
Bolivia: Barkaima Hosts Seminar on Treatment of Salinity and Hardness in Agricultural and Industrial Water

Barkaima yesterday hosted an enlightening seminar together with MOAL Riego y Energia, our distributor in Bolivia, focused on the treatment of salinity and hardness in water, targeting the agricultural and industrial sectors. The event brought together industry experts, stakeholders, and professionals committed to addressing the pressing challenges of water quality in these critical areas. The […]

Paraguay: Barkaima’s Participation in the Congress on Aquaculture and Fish Farming _ Paraguay 2024: A Recap

Barkaima recently had the honor of participating in the prestigious Congreso de Aquacultura y Piscicultura 2024, held in Paraguay. This significant event brought together industry leaders, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the fields of aquaculture and pisciculture.   About the Congress on Aquaculture and Fish […]

From Waste to Worth: Barkaima’s Approach to Sustainable Water Management

Water is a finite resource, yet much of it is wasted or polluted in our current linear economy. At Barkaima, we’re challenging this status quo with a revolutionary approach to water management that turns waste into worth. By harnessing the power of nature-inspired technologies, we’re transforming wastewater into valuable resources, promoting sustainability and resilience in […]

Navigating Water Scarcity Challenges: Barkaima’s Solutions for a Thirsty World

Water scarcity is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching implications for ecosystems, economies, and human well-being. As global populations grow and climate change exacerbates existing water stress, the need for innovative solutions has never been more urgent. At Barkaima, we’re rising to the challenge, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions […]

Revolutionizing Water Management: How Barkaima is Leading the Charge Towards Sustainability

In a world facing increasing water scarcity and environmental challenges, Barkaima stands at the forefront of innovation, driving a transformative approach to water management. Through a combination of cutting-edge technologies, unwavering commitment to sustainability, and a deep understanding of ecological systems, Barkaima is redefining the way we view and utilize water resources. At the heart […]